warehouse keeper-j9游会真人游戏第一品牌

warehouse keeper-j9游会真人游戏第一品牌

  • recruitmenttype:regular employee
  • location:dalian
  • post categories:management
  • department:
  • required degree:
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post requirements:

1. work experiences as warehouse keeper or assistant are preferred;

2. having simple computer using skills and office software skills is preferred;

3. able to drive a forklift; forklift driver license is preferred;

4. able to read mechanical drawing is preferred.

post responsibilities:

1. responsible for receiving logistic vehicles or goods-delivering trucks from suppliers and following on their departure from the plant;

2. responsible for checking carton quantity together with the logistic staff or suppliers and assign tasks for the warehouse stocktaking;

3. responsible for recording in details logistic or supplier delivery information;

4. responsible for assisting warehouse keeper to accomplish work contents such as unpacking, transferring, counting, stocktaking and etc;

5. responsible for home-made parts circulation between the processing steps;

6. readily accept other miscellaneous temporary work assignment from the supervisor. 

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